Our Partners:

Westbrook International:

Westbrook International is a Salesforce Platinum Implementation Partner with a mission to transform business performance by driving clients innovation using the Salesforce World-leading Cloud platform.

Westbrook International have been advising how to maximise the power of Salesforce since 2005, developing the trust with clients to identify the very best Salesforce implementation approach for their business.  Providing post-implementation support Westbrook International give clients a seamless experience, from scope, design and build through to adoption and beyond.

The SA Group is the Business Consulting Partner for Westbrook International working with their clients to effect business process improvement and sustainable change as part of their Salesforce implementations.



Visit Westbrook International  – https://westbrook.co.uk/

Conscious Leadership Centre :

The Conscious Leadership Centre believe that business can be a powerful force for good for our planet.  They work with businesses with a genuine desire for a triple bottom line (TBL) approach: People, Planet and Profit. This is done by providing consultancy, project management, coaching, training and leadership team building, to create conscious leadership skills and cultures.

CLC operate where businesses might need fresh vision, a clear purpose, new strategy, different priorities or an emergency survival plan. They may need to accelerate a transition caused by shifts in their market place.  They may have changed ownership or identity, or might recognise the need to reinvent or reengineer the organisation to thrive into the future.

The SA Group work collaboratively with CLC.

Conscious Leadership Centre

Visit Conscious Leadership Centre  – http://www.consciousleadershipcentre.com/

Altergaia :

Altergaia are dedicated to :  Simplifying the fight against financial crime through automation

Altergaia’s Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) suite provides cost effective, transparent, near-real-time AML (Anti Money Laundering) protection to the first line of defence enhancing the customers’ Digital experience.  Easy to install, it is the first Digital, business focused AML solution to be fully Integrated within the Salesforce.COM  platform, protecting against AML risk.

Altergaia’s Anti Financial Crime Suite automates the essential AFC controls according to the clients’ risk appetite to provide quick, easy and cost effective compliance. 

The SA Group work with Altergaia to help their clients effect sustainable business and management change in support of the implementation of the new digitised AFC controls,  processes and procedures.


Visit Altergaia – https://altergaia.com/